Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Bounty Hunter (2010)

Originally written December 29, 2010 at 2:28 am
The Bounty Hunter is a romantic comedy starring Gerard Butler (300) and Jennifer Aniston (Friends). The general premise is that Milo Boyd (Butler) is a former cop turned bounty hunter; Nicole Hurley (Aniston) is a reporter. Boyd and Hurley were once madly in love but divorced. When Hurley misses court to pursue a lead for a story, a warrant is issued for her arrest. Boyd's boss is the bail bondsman who fronted the money, and Boyd gets the assignment to go catch his ex-wife and take her to jail. Along the way someone tries to kill Hurley to keep her from investigating the story she is working on.

Much of the story is very predictable. The overall plot is so far fetched it is ridiculous. However in a comedy that isn't really all that bad. The banter and fighting between Boyd and Hurley is quite funny. The minor characters provide several good laughs throughout the movie, especially Boyd's boss Sid (Jeff Garlin).

Nothing else really stands out one way or the other with this movie. While it is not great, it isn't terrible. It was good for several laughs, but by no means has any real chance of winning any sort of Oscar, etc. I give it a 5 /10.

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