Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Contagion (2011)

Back in 2009, the H1N1 Pandemic had a worldwide death toll of less than 19,000 people. The seasonal flu kills between 250,000 - 500,000 people a year. Smallpox used to kill well over 2 million people a year. The Spanish Flu of 1918 killed between 20 million - 100 million people (3%-15% of the world population). Imagine a pandemic like the Spanish Flu in modern society. Now imagine it being one that is not only transmitted airborne, but by any touch. This is the story of Contagion. Contagion follows the lives of the victims, the health professionals trying to find a cure, and the survivors. It shows what might happen to society and the moral fabric of man.

I was not all that excited to go see this movie. The trailer did not excite me, and I've watched enough History/Discovery and the News to know that a pandemic is bad juju and that there will be panic, riots, etc. With that in mind, I'm very glad I did go and see it. The movie is extremely well written and directed. Each of the main characters delivers a great performance. The cinematography is beautiful and the lighting really sets the appropriate mood. The musical score fits very well with the mood and story. Overall, I'm highly impressed.

Now this movie does show several people dying and numeorus dead people, including children. I would not take kids to this, nor would I recommend it for a date. It is however an excellent piece of character driven story telling. I give it a 9 / 10.

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