Wednesday, November 9, 2011

In Time (2011)

"In Time" is the story of a world where humans are engineered to stop aging at 25 years old, and have an internal clock on their arm with only one year of time on it. The clock steadily runs down and if that clock reaches zero, you die. Time has replaced all currency. Wages are in time, coffee costs time, etc. There are places where the rich have thousands of years of time and others where people time out. When it becomes obvious that the system is set up so that the poor die off and the rich become practically immortal, Will, played by Justin Timberlake, embarks on a quest take revenge on the rich.
I should have known this film was destined for failure when a move about not wasting time, started over 45 minutes late at the theater. While the movie was entertaining, the plot didn’t work for me. Yet another movie that only works until you start thinking. You would have to have hundreds of people die immediately upon turning 25, just for one person to even be considered poor and live an extra 25 years.
The acting was okay, but nothing noteworthy. The cinematography was average. There was nothing spectacular or even well done for that matter. Don’t waste YOUR time going to the theaters, wait for video if you want to watch this film. I give it a 7.5.

Anonymous (2011)

William Shakespeare ; arguably the most influential English author in history. But what if he wasn’t? What if Macbeth, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliette etc were actually written by an English nobleman who had Shakespeare take the credit? Anonymous attempts to persuade you to this viewpoint through a twisting political drama set in London during Queen Elizabeth I’s reign at the end of the 16th century.
Though the storyline is most likely total fantasy, is extremely compelling and well written. The acting was superb. Oscar deserving performances by Vanessa Redgrave and Rhys Ifans, lead the way for the other actors, whom also deliver great performances.
The costume design is excellent, and the CG creating the London landscape is beautiful. I am fully expecting to see this film nominated for an Oscar for costume design. The lighting and choreography are also done extremely well. This movie is stunning to watch from start to finish.
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and I think you will too. I give it 9.5 / 10.