Thursday, February 9, 2012

One for the Money (2012)

One for the Money is the film adaptation of the first book in an 18 book series by Janet Evanovich.  I’ve never read the series myself but I’m told the movie does not stick to the book.  With that said, I’m pretty sure that there won’t be a film adaptation for “Two for the Dough.”

The movie is the story of Stephanie Plum, an unemployed lingerie store manager who, desperate for a job, goes to her sleazy cousin Vinnie who is a bail bondsman.  Instead an office job, she becomes a bounty hunter.  When she tries to bring in a cop wanted for murder, she ends up investigating the murder instead.

The movie stars the beautiful Katherine Heigl (Knocked Up) alongside Jason O’Mara (Terra Nova).  The two have some witty banter back and forth that carries the movie.  The law enforcement investigations side will leave any police officer sighing at the absurdity.  Joe Six Pack may not have problems with it, but this movie will frustrate police officers to no end.

The movie has a PG-13 rating that I think is appropriate.  However, I wouldn’t waste your money at the theater watching it.  It might be worth watching on Netflix or Redbox though.  I give it 6 / 10.

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