Friday, February 3, 2012

Rubber (2010)

Rubber is the story of a car tire named Robert who somehow comes to life and has psychokinetic abilities.  Robert is sociopathic and kills just about everything he sees.

The movie starts out with a monologue by the sheriff explaining that the movie is an homage to 'no reason'. As in "Why did they do that?... No reason." this is  something the film fully exploits.  There is pretty much no reason for anything in the movie.  It is totally nonsensical and random.

The cinematography is done well, but that is about the only positive thing I can say about it.  It is so bad that on some levels it is cult classic good.  I am glad it is less than 90 minutes long, because any longer than that and it would go from being mildly entertaining, to a total waste of time.

The movie is rated R and rightly so.  Unless you want your kids to be scared of every tire swing and tricycle they encounter, don't let them watch this train wreck of a film.  In fact, I wouldn't recommend anyone waste their time unless they are high or having a B movie marathon. I give it 3 / 10.

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