Sunday, July 17, 2011

Black Snake Moan (2007)

Originally written August 18, 2007
Recently released on DVD, Black Snake Moan stars Samuel L Jackson playing Lazarus; a deeply religious former Blues artist turned farmer struggling with the recent separation from his unfaithful wife. Christina Ricci plays Rae, an ultra sexy nymphomaniac who struggles with issues of childhood sexual abuse. When Lazarus finds Rae badly beaten on the side of the roadway he decides to cure her of her sinful ways.

While helping Rae learn to control her addiction, Lazarus rediscovers his lost love, the Blues. The music in Black Snake Moan is emotional, powerful and personal, like the Blues are supposed to be. Ricci and Jackson deliver great performances that really develop their characters and allow you to see their underlying thoughts behind their actions. The much overhyped Justin Timberlake, Rae's boyfriend Ronnie, gives an adequate performance, however his acting was by far the weak link in the film.

The movie is rated R and deservedly so. The strong sexual context and the violent lyrics of the songs in the movie are not appropriate for younger viewers. Throughout most of the film Ricci is wearing only a pair of panties and a cut off T-shirt. In many scenes she wears far less than that. The nudity and sex scenes are used as part of the development of Rae's character and not merely a cheap ploy to get male viewers with the promise of a pair of breasts. However as my wife described the movie "good but it left me feeling dirty."

All in all Black Snake Moan was a great movie and is well worth renting or buying on DVD.

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