Sunday, July 17, 2011

Black Swan (2010)

Originally written January 5, 2011 at 2:49 am
Ballet. Something men dread seeing, and many women dreamed of being in when they were girls. Gorgeous flexible women in tights...and unfortunately dudes wearing the same. When I took my fellow movie critic Tony Route to see this film he asked what it was about. The second I said ballerina, I thought he was going to revoke my man card. I assured him that I'd heard good things about it. He conceded that he had chosen several "stinkers" of movies of late, and that I would be permitted one. I'm glad to say he changed his mind.

Black Swan stars Natalie Portman (Star Wars) as Nina, a very technical ballet dancer. She dances to perfection, but her dancing is cold and emotionless. Then there is Lily played by Mila Kunis (That 70's Show) who, while not perfect, dances with emotion. When the director of their ballet company announces he is putting the aging lead to pasture and that he is auditioning for a new Swan Queen for the ballet "Swan Lake." Nina sees her chance.

In Swan Lake a virginal princes is cursed by a sorcerer and turned into a swan and needs love to break the spell. The lead plays both the white swan and the evil twin, the black swan. One innocent and fragile, one sexual and predatory. The dancing styles have to match. Nina, who states she isn't but probably is a virgin, can't seem make the transition to the black swan. As Nina starts to explore her sexual side she starts to become two different people.

You start to realize from her relationship with her mother and some of her mother's statements that Nina already has some psychological health issues. As Nina embraces the black swan these mental instabilities start to manifest themselves more and more with delusions, hallucinations and all. This builds and builds till the FINAL climax (although I think the first one was my favorite - you will know what I mean when you see it). Nina and the director metaphorically become the princess and the sorcerer.
The cinematography is dark but beautiful. The special effects are great. The dance choreography is graceful. But the most important part is the acting. I feel that Portman gave an outstanding performance. I'm expecting an Oscar nomination if not a win. Kunis and Vincent Cassel (the director Thomas) also gave great performances. This movie was superb. It was suspenseful, hot, mesmerizing. It is an intense psychological thriller where you can't tell what is real and what isn't. In short it was the best movie I've seen in theaters since Inception. Unless something steps up soon, I think those two films are going to take home a majority of the Oscars this year.

I would highly encourage you go and see this movie. It is rated R for a reason. Leave the kiddies at home unless you want them to have nightmares and come get in between you and your significant other as you try to recreate the hottest scene in the movie. I give it 9 / 10.

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