Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Book of Eli (2010)

Originally written January 6, 2011 at 11:59 pm
The Book of Eli is set in a post apocalyptic world. Regardless the result is the same, humanity is in shambles, no one has really started rebuilding, they are move living off the scraps left behind. Think Mad Max. Eli (Denzel Washington) is one of the few alive who are old enough to remember the world before the apocalypse which occurred 30 years prior.

Eli is on a mission, and focused solely to that end. Eli is protecting a book and heading west. Eli states during the movie that he "Walks by faith." When you combine his name and the full statement of that abbreviated phrase and you will learn something very telling about Eli that might not be obvious when you watch the movie. I won't spoil it for you though.

One town Eli passes through is run by another old timer, Carnegie, played by Gregory Oldman (very fitting name). He is searching for a very specific book that he says has power. The power to help him unite and guide more people toward a rebuild civilization. He is obviously looking for The Bible. Though they don't come out and say it, the title of the movie, the advertising etc, make it apparent. He is ruthless in his search. Though he says he grew up with the book, it is obvious that he no longer remembers its lessons. When he finds that Eli has it he stops at nothing to take it from him. Eli continues on his quest west and picks up Mila Kunis's character, Solara, along the way. Together they fight to protect the book from Carnegie.

The storyline is not bad; the story does grab you and hold your attention for most of the movie. The cinematography is hit and miss. In some scenes it is good, in others it is poor. The fight choreography is pretty good. Washington delivers a good performance, as is normal for him. Some logical things were ridiculously beyond belief, but in post apocalypse movies thats normal. Overall the movie was entertaining. There was symbolism laced throughout the movie that is easy to overlook but adds to the depth of the movie. However most of that will not be noticed by the average person going to see an action movie. It is worth watching but not going to be winning any awards. I give it a 7 / 10.

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