Sunday, July 17, 2011

Death at a Funeral (2010)

Originally written January 31, 2011 at 3:18 am
Death at a Funeral boasts an all star comedy cast including Chris Rock, Martin Lawrence, Danny Glover, Tracy Morgan, Luke Wilson and many more.

General hilarity ensues as a family gathers to pay its last respects to the family patriarch at his funeral. Death at a Funeral is full of slapstick and toilette humor but it works. Don't watch the movie expecting witty intelligent zingers; you won't find them. However you will find a hilarious movie. Much of the plot is predictable and the parts that might not have been, were spoiled by the trailers. Despite this the movie still had me fighting to keep my laughs quiet so that I wouldn't wake my family up. It is like listening to a friend or a comedian tell a joke and figuring the punch line out before it is over; its still funny.

Nobody gives a stellar performance, but most of the characters hold their own. The cinematography is acceptable but nothing special. On a purely technical level the movie is mediocre in every way, however as a comedy it works well. I would not recommend letting your kids watch it however.
As a comedy I give it a 7 / 10.

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