Sunday, July 17, 2011

Drive Angry 3D (2011)

Originally written February 25, 2011 at 1:05 am
The last year or two, 3D has been king. Take any movie and add 3D to it and people flock to see it. At this point Hollywood doesn't seem to have any standards for the actual film, other than film it in 3D. Soon we will see trailers for “Watching Paint Dry and Grass Grow 3D, an IMAX Experience.” Drive Angry seems to be in this genre as well. The posters and trailers even exclaim “SHOT IN 3D.”

They market it like it is another Gone in 60 Seconds, etc. When in reality it is more like a reverse Ghost Rider. Instead of being Hell's bounty hunter, Cage is the escaped soul being pursued by the bounty hunter while Cage tries to save his granddaughter from Satan worshipers. Don't worry, I'm not giving away the plot, it is apparent after about the first 10 minutes.

The acting is atrocious. The plot is worse. The crash scenes are comical. Like when Cage parks his car right in the path of a truck. The truck hits his car, flips over it, landing on the roof. Amazingly the grill of the truck is not even damaged. Then there are the chase scenes. Like when he is in a Charger with a 454, chasing a Winnebago. The Winnebago goes left, so he goes right to take a short cut and catch up to it. Dude, you are in a freaking muscle car, I think you can catch a motor home. Then when bullets disable his engine on the freeway, he ends up calling an old buddy to come pick him up. Meanwhile his granddaughter, whom he broke out of Hell to rescue, is still moving on down the freeway. Hello, you are already sentenced to Hell, why not run out and carjack someone? You don't have to hurt them if you have actually had some sort of paradigm shift in your personality. I won't even get into the way law enforcement is portrayed in the movie, as it is typical Hollywood drivel.

Now the one thing the movie does right is appeal to men. If you like hot nude women, sex, gun battles, and blood; then this is the movie for you. The best example is where Cage is actively having sex while killing a horde of Satan worshipers who attack his room. The pinnacle of this is when one bad guy actually hits Cage in the neck with an electric cattle prod and the woman's face tells you that she is getting a shocking experience too. Of hot women, there is an abundance. But that is good for about 5-10 minutes of the total movie. There are also several comical situations as well.

The special effects are okay, but nothing special. This movie is made to be watched in 3D. It was bad even in 3D. The cinematography, action, etc is all based on it being a 3D experience. I have a feeling this movie is going to be unbearably bad to watch otherwise. The camera focus, placement, etc will probably be very odd in normal viewing. Despite how bad the movie is, it has a fairly fast, action packed pace. It is mildly entertaining but don't go in expecting much. I give it a 5.5 / 10.

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