Sunday, July 17, 2011

I Am Number Four (2011)

Originally written March 4, 2011 at 3:39 am
If I told you of a movie about a child born on another world, sent to Earth on the eve of his race's destruction; and as he ages on Earth begins to discover he has tremendous powers, what movie would you think of? Superman of course. However, a grown man in a full body spandex suit with contrasting primary colors is not very popular with today's 13-30 year old market. I am Number Four definitely has a lot of influence from the Superman/Smallville franchise, but is not a remake of it.
The plot of the film is okay but not great. There are logic flaws that are not answered. The movie is definitely set up to be a franchise with at least one sequel. It is unknown if the gaps are to be filled with subsequent movies, but the gaps hurt the film a little. The dialogue is lacking but has a few good lines, all of which come from one of the supporting characters, Sam played by newcomer Callan McAuliffe, who ironically is the only actual teenager in a movie that takes place mostly in a high school.
Alex Pettyfer plays the protagonist, John, number 4 of 9 alien children sent to earth. He was raised and mentored by Henri, played by Timothy Olyphant (Justified, Hitman, etc), who is a soldier sent with John to Earth. Dianna Agron (Glee) plays the human love interest. And of course, Kevin Durand plays the antagonist, a different kind of alien, trying to kill the 9. I swear that guy is in everything recently, other than looking crazy, I can't see why he is so popular.
Now on to what the movie did well. It is gorgeous. The cinematography is as good as you would expect from a cinematographer the caliber of Oscar winner Guillermo Navarro. Steven Spielberg was originally a producer, but his name is no longer on the credits, not sure at what point he left the film. The special effects (CGI) are excellent and done very well. The fight choreography and action sequences are done very well too. It is action packed and moves at a very quick pace.
The movie is visually beautiful, but lacks in depth. It is carried by its action packed pace and cinematography, and for that alone is worth watching. I give it 7.5 / 10.

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