Friday, September 9, 2011

Columbiana (2011)

In Columbiana, a young girl witnesses the murder of her mother and father, who is a Columbian drug cartel lieutenant. She flees to the United States and her equally criminal uncle takes her under his wing. She learns to kill and grows up to be a deadly contract killer. Eventually she begins to seek out those who killed her family so she can exact revenge.
The beautiful Zoe Saldana plays the lead character Cataleya. She is gorgeous and athletic. That is about all the good I can say about the movie. Acting is mediocre to poor. The storyline is ridiculous and horribly predictable. As with nearly every other movie involving law enforcement, and a computer, it is more science fiction than fact; and the cops are all idiots. There were so many stupid scenes in the movie that I felt like I was perpetually sighing.
The movie is so bad that I think the writer, director, and producers all must have been snorting some of Cataleya’s father’s product. I give it a 3 / 10.

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