Monday, December 19, 2011

Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (2011)

If you are like me, when you first heard they were making a movie based upon the classic television series Mission Impossible, you were stoked. Then after watching the film, and each subsequent sequel, you felt disappointed. Well the string of disappointments is over. Ghost Protocol finally delivers a movie worthy of the franchise name.

When the MI team is framed for the bombing of the Kremlin, it falls to Ethan and a few agents to clear the organization's name, bring the real terrorists to justice and prevent nuclear war.

Tom Cruise may be bat-shit-crazy, but he certainly delivers a brilliant performance. Each of the main characters delivers superb, in-character performances. While the story is of course so far fetched as to have no semblance of reality, it fits for the franchise. The story successfully blends action, mystery, comedy and drama to create a well rounded mood.

The movie is rated PG-13 for action and violence, which is a fair rating. This movie is bound to make a ton of money, and may even see some nominations at the various awards shows. I would encourage you to go see this film on the big screen. I give it a 9/10.

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