Wednesday, March 14, 2012

John Carter: IMAX 3D (2012)

Captain John Carter is a treasure hunting cowboy in the West not long after the Civil War.  Thanks to an amulet, Carter suddenly finds himself on Mars.  Due to the low gravity (about 37% of Earth's) he has superior strength and jumping ability. The planet is dying and there are only two great human-like cities and a few scattered tribes of indian-like aliens.  The cities have been fighting for 1000 years, but the evil city has just obtained a weapon that threatens to end the millennium long stalemate.

Will's Review:
The first thing that surprised me is that this movie is exceptionally violent for a Disney film.  The second thing is that the movie has a unique plot element, but it's implementation feels like a rehash of other movies, especially Star Wars The Clone Wars and Superman.  There is even a gladiator arena execution complete with giant beasts and a massive final battle.  I noticed a couple of continuity issues, but considering the scale of the special effects, and number of people (characters, CG and extras) it could have been much worse.

That being said, the movie is very entertaining and as visually stunning as one of the main characters played by Lynn Collins.  I really enjoyed watching the movie despite its flaws.  If you have read many of my reviews, you know that I don't approve of the trend of making every movie in 3D just to wrest more money from the pockets of movie goers; especially since many movies are not improved by being in 3D.  That being said, I watched John Carter in IMAX 3D, and the 3D effect is done amazingly well and actually improves the visual experience of the film.

The acting is okay, but nothing special in my opinion.  The fight choreography is good and the CG is beautiful.  The overall experience is one worth watching.  The PG-13 rating (for intense violence and action) is appropriate, so don't equate 'Disney' with kid friendly for this film.  I give it 8 / 10. (KopOut Magazine score 4 / 5.  Worth Going to See in the Theater)

1 comment:

  1. I have noticed that Disney movies are becoming more dark and violent, and are still able to pull off the PG-13 rating. However, when I saw the commercial, I knew it was a movie I wanted to see in the theater. Thanks for the review Will!
