Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Blind Side (2009)

Originally written December 8, 2010 at 8:41 am
The Blind Side is based upon the true life story of Michael Oher. The Blind Side tells of how Oher was born in the ghetto and, while in high school, was taken in by an affluent family. Oher went on to be a heavily recruited football player and eventually was drafted into the NFL by the Baltimore Ravens.

The cast is diverse and effective. Sandra Bullock delivers an awesome role as the mom of the family. Oher is played by Quinton Aaron, a relative newcomer to movies. For most of the movie Oher seems depressed. He seems more like like Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh than a teenage guy. Aaron does a great deal of acting with his facial features though which shows much of Oher's inner thoughts etc. All in all a very sound performance by the novice actor. Bullock's character is like a hurricane of will and determination. Reminds me of my wife (even has a great butt too, the similarities are uncanny). Bullock played her character very well, and was rewarded with the academy award for best leading actress. Her husband, played by Tim McGraw of country music fame, is a nice guy and obviously used to bowing down to his wife's forceful character, but is happy to do so. His performance was lackluster. One of their children, Collins, played by another newcomer Lily Collins, is seen only sparingly throughout the movie. Her brother SJ, played by Jae Head of Hancock and Friday Night Lights, on the other hand is shown nearly as much as Oher. He is extremely energetic and quite the scene stealer, making him cute but borderline obnoxious.

While there are a few moments that are over the top, like Oher testing 98% on Protective Instincts for the states standardized tests. What kind of test is there for protective instincts? None; but who needs reality when you have Hollywood. Then there were the scouts showing up after his first game, etc. The Blind Side may not be the deepest and most profound movie, but it is a good movie that successfully ties your emotions to that of the characters. The Blind Side is a feel good movie that delivers on its promise. I would call it a family movie, except that there are a couple of scenes that I would not want my kids watching. There is some racism and bigotry shown as well as gang violence. I'd like my daughter to remain ignorant of those things for now. As the country song says; "Let them be little."
All in all I really enjoyed The Blind Side. I would recommend watching it. I give it 7.5 / 10.

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