Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Human Centipede: First Sequence (2009)

Originally written December 1, 2010 at 7:46 am
I heard this movie was so bad it was good. I should have been suspicious when the guy telling me about it, wouldn't say what it was about. Based on the name I half expected it to be some sort of a scifi horror where genetic manipulation goes horribly wrong. I couldn't be further from the truth. While there are plenty of horror movies that are so bad they are good, this one is just plain bad. It is so bad that I'm not even going to research the names of the actors in the movie.

Not only is it bad, it is disgusting on a whole new level. I'm going to spoil the movie but I think you should know before you even think of watching this movie. The general plot is an insane doctor specializing in the separation of conjoined twins decides to make a human centipede. He takes a man and two women and attaches them mouth to anus in a line, so that as the first one defecates it goes directly down the throat of the second and so on.

The acting is among the most horrible I have ever seen. Sadly the two women in the semi-lead roles give their best performances when they can no longer talk (you can guess why). I won't even get into how horrible the cops are played at the end. As with every horror movie the movie starts with the victim's stranded without cell phone reception. Every possible horror movie cliché is in this movie. Think of every possible scenario where you think "Don't do that/go there you idiot!" and it is in this movie.
I can not find one thing to say good about his movie. I would discourage anyone from watching this movie. This is 90 minutes of my life that I will never get back. Had I not been writing a review I would have cut my losses at about minute 30. I give it a 1 / 10.

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